Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Funny Business

I'll start this with another apology, but understand the extent of my laziness. I'm sorry, AGAIN and it will happen AGAIN. Now, lets get down to business...

Jared, habla español?
There it is, my business. What my life will be for the next few years at least. Newly minted owner of a Subway franchise in Chile. Save your applause, I've already been told there are no freebies allowed. Unless, of course, you want to work for me. If so, lunch is on me, but hurry up because the bathroom isn't going to mop itself. I'm serious. And take off that foolish nose ring, this is Subway, not Quiznos. Ohhh franchise burn!!

Last we spoke I was couch surfing and having no luck looking for a place of my own. Guess what, that's still the same. Except at the moment, I'm riding the wave on mom's couch in New York, in what used to be my room, but quickly became a living room, and now back to a storage facility for my things. I started the paperwork for the purchase about a month and a half ago, while still in Chile, in the hopes that I would be able to quickly sign up for the mandatory training in December back here in the U.S. Since I already had a return ticket, I figured I'd come sort my boxes, ship it all out, do the training in sunny Miami and be back in my new hometown of Santiago before Christmas, just in time for the start of South American summer. Things don't always work out how you plan them though, so instead I have to wait an extra month here to do the training, not in warm and wonderful Florida, but in cold and barren Milford, Connecticut in the middle of January.

It hasn't been all bad though, not by any means. This unexpected delay allowed me to be around during holiday season, my favorite time of year in NYC. I have been spending a lot of time with some of you guys and working out since I have no excuse not to with all this free time. Plus, let's be honest, that Subway diet isn't going to cut it on its own. The free time also allowed me to treat fantasy football as a full-time job and I managed to sneak into the last spot of the playoffs in both leagues. Winning those would sure help the business! Not kidding, 12 nights hotel rental in Connecticut at 70 bucks a night has me praying for a monetary miracle.

Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture?

The answer we were looking for is, "This hotel still costs $70/night and that pool is not indoors." Thanks for playing.

Back to me, since that's what we are all here for. When I got my welcome packet for this new venture, the top of it said "Owner: Hans Ruschmeier" and I had to giggle. I did it because anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have no intention of ever growing up. I don't mean in a weird Michael Jackson kind of way.

What I mean is, even as my forehead expands up and outward to what I now call my sidehead, and as parts of me get creaky and painful, I still feel young. I don't know, I guess I always looked at "grown-up" as something you officially graduate into, perhaps with a ceremony and some classy hor'dourves. Instead, time just kept moving around me and in essence I'm the same person, laughing at the same immature things, still trying to play sports, still playing video games. Still holding on to everything I love, while at the same time making life decisions I have NO business making. When you were young, did you ever look at an adult and think, "This person is no better than me! Stop patting me on the head, imbecil!"? You were probably right. While I love you all, I KNOW most of my friends are pretty similar. That's probably why I've chosen you in the first place. Sure, some of you are married, some of you have kids, some of you have been to jail... you know, big people things. But you and I are all just giant 6 year olds clueless about what comes next, afraid of the next grade and change. I stopped wetting the bed though and I think it's time you do too.

What comes next is exciting and scary as all hell, but its going to happen anyway, so I may as well just prepare myself for the worst and hope for the best, just like 2nd grade. I'll try to keep this updated more regularly since things will start moving faster and more furiously by next month. As for right now, I think I'll have my milk and cookies and take a nap.

Eat Fresh!

(Thank you Steve for this genius signoff. I think it's a keeper.)