Monday, September 12, 2011

Lauren, Paul and those "God Damn Jets"

Warning: This is in large part not a fun read. Feel free to skip ahead to the next one. If you do, fill me in because I haven't written it yet.

Starting off light, I'm still loving my phone and thissss...

 ...has yet to happen to it. Glad I went the route I did. Thank you for that reminder, Meredith.

Now let's get serious. :((((((  <---that is an extra long sad face to get my point across.

I haven't written the last few days, not because I've been a hermit, but I haven't exactly felt the desire to write. I woke up yesterday to news from back home that a friend had passed away. While I am completely aware that the world doesn't stop spinning for anyone and we have to keep plugging along, that news did manage to sneak in my head and stay there. There was also no desire to blog about my trivial things this Sunday for obvious reasons. Lost someone there as many of you probably have too. It never stops sucking.

It is exactly 12:01AM here in Chile, I'm watching my J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS starting to lose control fighting hard to stay in this game. A big turnover made me FIGURATIVELY eat my words. No, not literally. I am not a teen, though I wish I still was. Do you know how much of a shot to the ego it is to realize you need to stretch to do anything physical? And I don't mean touch your toes 10 times and you're ready to go. My jog today, for example, required a brisk walk to the park to get the blood flowing, followed by loosening up the calves, hamstrings, quads, adductors, glutes, and my latest friend: the iliotibial band, which I found out hurts like a B word when inflamed. Then and only then can I start my run, which is followed by the same stretches and walk afterward. I also decided to do some pullups and pushups and nearly fell on my face because the arthritis in my wrist decided to sneak attack me. Yes, I'm 31 years old with arthritis already. Ladies, I'm quite the catch. Feel free to leave your numbers in the comments section, but only if you're willing to clean bedpans and change my Depends in the near future.

The closest re-enactment of my push up incident

The Jets just took the lead and I stubbed my toe in celebration. It just gets better and better. Good thing I have I have insuraaaaanohhh wait, I don't. Sometimes I myself wonder what a lot of people have already said to me, "Hans, what the hell are you doing?" But then unfortunate things happen, some fresh like a lost friend just a day ago, some so tragic that everyone still mourns ten years later. These are the moments, the sad and unfortunate moments that nobody wants to feel that remind us how human we all are; very delicate and fragile when put at the mercy of nature and of our fellow man. These are also the moments that sometimes produce those realizations that life is too short to live any other way than the way you want to live it. Not to keep being a Debbie Downer, but I will end with this quote from a very wealthy and rich man. Wealthy because of his monetary fortune, rich because of how he chose to spend that fortune, helping those who needed it most in this post-earthquake reconstruction era in Chile.

"Never, never give up your dreams, pursue them passionately and if you do not succeed, no matter, just having traveled down that road will make yours a life worth living and I hope the dream you pursue is the impossible dream"

-Felipe Cubillos (August 9, 1962 - September 2, 2011) 

Yes, he passed away just last week, in a plane crash, on his way to see the progress of his enormous reconstruccion effort in the areas affected by the earthquake. Whenever its our turn to go, I hope each and every one of you pursue whatever dream it is that's burning in you, we all have at least one.

The Jets win, my toe feels better, all is right in the world again. By the way, I feel like Doogie Howser, M.D. (Barney Stinson for those under 20) when I end these posts. It feels like my nights should end with this...

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